Friday, June 15, 2012

How to make a genius kid

The trick is actually simple, but it takes strong discipline, as any parent would expect their child is always clever, intelligent and wise than other children. Experts say, though the wisdom of a child is closely related to congenital genetic, but many scientific studies show that coaching after birth is also a very important factor that should not be ignored.

Stimulate Growth with Education in Gynecology
The doctors said the baby was three months old
have the feeling, four months have been able to feel the sound from outside.
Sound from outside will continue to stimulate the sensory organs in children
content and encourage its growth, have an important role for the growth of intelligence. Basically the cerebral cortex (the brain that is important to remember, pay attention, be aware, think, understand language, etc.) is formed in the womb baby at age 5-6 months, when music is played during this time or do gentle massage on the abdomen will can enhance the growth of the child's intelligence.

The development of intelligence on the foundation of Specified Period Children
Since the baby is born, the father-mother has had an important role to teach the basic knowledge to him. If only the father of the mother at this stage can guide the child with a generous, respectful and loving, then not only can lay the foundation for the unique personality of the child, even to make the child has the ability to learn and get along a good attitude. Thus, the role of the mother's father was not only raise, not even a big responsibility as a "private teacher".

The experts stated, "Children in the age range 4 to 13 years, because not a lot of sour taste salt of the earth, his heart was pure, a period with the most powerful memory for life. If the memories of the golden age is getting a good education, will be very beneficial for all his life.

9 Secrets to Making Genius Kid
Kids special education writer, Korey Capozza, suggested nine
ways to foster and enhance the IQ (intelligence quotient) of the children.

1. Learning Music

This is a great way to enhance right brain learning with a relaxed and easy. According to the University of Toronto study, music lessons can improve the intelligence quotient and school performance of a child. Even longer to learn, the more obvious results.

2. Give drink Mother's Milk

Many scientific studies show that breast milk (ASI) in addition to
provide a wide range of nutrients, can also boost immunity and infant intelligence. A baby who is breastfed for nine months significantly more intelligent than a baby who only breastfed for a month.

3. Improve the health

The team of researchers from the University of Illinois have shown a relationship
between health and learning of children in school. The study of
Oppenheimer Funds in fact show that exercise in groups not only boost your confidence, build a spirit of togetherness, it can even lead nurture skills. Eighty-one percent of the directress at a very young company, all of them have joined in an organization's activities.

4. Game

Indeed there are many games that can make players become brutal, eccentric or lazy thinking. But there are also a number of games that can enhance the spirit of social skills, creativity and inspiration, even that can train children to think wisely and to train the ability to make plans. Research at the University of Rochester also found that children who play games more capable of finding a sense of visual clues in learning.

5. Reject junk food

Reduce high sugared foods, abstain from many foods high in fat and other junk food. Instead, many are eating healthy nutritious foods, this will increase the intelligence and motor development of children, especially for infants of less than two years, it is very important. For example, a child should eat some iron to help brain growth. If less amount, delivery of nerve impulses will be weakened.

6. Cultivate curiosity

The experts reveal, when parents encourage children to have their own thoughts, in fact was to direct them on the importance of knowledge demands. Paying great attention to the child's interest, to introduce and teach new skills to them at every opportunity to educate outside the home, all this is a great way to foster child's yearning for knowledge demands.

7. Read

In line with technological advances, many people ignore
the importance of reading. Reading is a way of increasing a person's intelligence quotient is the most direct and effective. Reading to children, become a member of the library and reading books all add to the collection is a good way to nurture a child's reading interests.

8. Breakfast

The old saying that birds would get up early the food is not without foundation. A long way since 1970, scientific research to find a child who has a breakfast in the morning better memory, better able to concentrate and are also able to learn faster. From the no breakfast, eat a piece of cake or a glass of milk, this will be very helpful in learning.

9. Play puzzle game

Playing chess, crossword puzzles or other games can stimulate
intelligence. Sudoku games can actually foster new ways of thinking
wise and foster problem-solving skills.

In addition to the above, at a very young child should be
often invited to chat, ask the children to remember vocabulary words frequently used in daily life or have the children memorize, all of this is the moment to help children cultivate skilled intelligence quotient.

Experts say, "Turn off the tv, get the child out of the house,
closer to nature and process of the body, is one of the best methods to train the child to be smart and nimble-bodied. "
Another important step to make a child prodigy that is if the child is under five years gave him a game that could make him think, for example, an interesting game as puzle Playstasion game or other things that he trained discipline, and just do not often give the game that can be treat him like toy cars, dolls and so forth, but it does not matter once she in love refreshing tempo game

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