Thursday, January 23, 2014

What to do When Children Start to Lie

When we know that the child is lying, of course, we are very worried. In addition, if the child has insisted he was not lying, even if we as parents knew he was lying. Well, to stop this bad habits, we need to know why children lie.
One of the most obvious reason is to lie to avoid punishment or due to unpleasant results.

It is difficult for a child to be honest when they knew they would overcome corporal punishment, humiliation or rebuke. You may also be extended if you feel the same thing, for example, face a boss angry.

Another reason is to avoid losing your affection, because they do not expect. They will not let you down. Unfortunately, when you know the child is lying, you impose sanctions immediately. Although this step is not to make the child a deterrent, but it's a vicious circle. Children tend to lie still to avoid punishment.

There are some things that you can do when your child is lying.
  1. No need to shout rude or harsh words when you know the child is lying . Try gently warned , even if it is a little difficult and you focus on solving problems , rather than blaming the child.
  2. When your child is not being honest , trying to understand what makes him unable to be honest with you. So you'll honesty of the child.
  3. You must encourage and reward the child for telling the truth. "It must be difficult for you to say what really happened . Mom admired the courage to tell the truth. Mom's Kids really grown ! "
  4. You should incorporate an error or failure as a way to learn to make better choices in the future. If children know that you will not be angry or disappointed when they fail, they will be easier to tell the truth.
  5. Make sure your children know that sometimes you do not like their behavior but do not hate it because you do not like.

Monday, January 20, 2014

10 Rules Before Giving Kids Mobile Phone

Giving Kids Mobile Phone

How old are your child when you give them mobile phone? Five, 12, or 17 years? If we pay attention, children usually get the phone from his parents much earlier than expected. If you are also the same, it allows you to define clear rules before giving it to your kids.

Jeannetta Kaplun , a mother who has also worked as a writer, a blogger, a Spanish TV presenter said on , give a child a mobile phone at a very early age is not a problem. Initially , parents must able to monitor how children use her cell phone. Kaplun allow her youngest daughter to has a cell phone . "He went to a lot of extracurricular activities. And it became imperative for me to always keep track of his whereabouts. Mobile phones are also useful for him to contact me if you are in a situation of emergency , "said the mother of two kids. A cell phone is already connected to the Internet , an infinity cruise . There are so many games and social networking applications that can be downloaded and follow the child. And some brave children beg their parents to be able to have a phone for the good of those needs. " Because he was only 8 years old , I feel too worried if I can membatasinyamengakses internet application and if he really wants to " waste " his time dealing with the application. " It is important for parents to restrict cell phone use in children. 

The phone does not mean it belongs to the child , the child may be used arbitrarily . You must control how long the child is in the front of the phone screen every day. In addition, the sites children can visit . Always try to check the history of mobile phones.

Not only set the rules, explain to the child as well as the consequences of the use of mobile phones if it is not wise used. For example, children can learn how to lose concentration if it is too busy with his mobile phone. Or, if the child does not follow the rules you set, you have the right to take his phone back.

Here are 10 rules you should consider before giving the phone to your child:
1. Share passwords with parents.
2. Do not use cell phones at school.
3. Do not use cell phones at dinner time.
4. Play Mobile applications after homework and chores are done.
5. Do not download applications without parental consent.
6. Do not share personal information.
7. Do not take a picture that makes you shy and show their parents or teachers.
8. Do not use mobile phones to flirt or do something obscene thing.
9. Turn off the phone at night.
10. Reply to SMS and phone calls wisely.

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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Car Seat Safety Guide for kids

car seat guide for children | safety car seat guide for children
Baby Car Seat

While most parents understand the need of car seats for children, many children can still be injured in a car accident. Among the factors contributing to these injuries occur because of children's car seats are misused or not used at all. For example, children were placed in the wrong type of car seat, the child moves out of the car seat or the parents put their child in the regular seatbelts too early.

How to Use Car Seat for Kids
All children under 13 should ride in the back seat and use a car seat anchor according to age. Babies and toddlers up to two years should be placed in a car seat facing the rear. The car seat should be used until the child reaches the maximum weight and size of the car seat. While this means that some babies or toddlers can not use special child seat anymore. Some car seats can be used until children' weigh 13-16 pounds. Others have to use a safety car seats to other types.

After a two year old (or have exceeded the requirements of height and weight), toddlers should sit in a car seat or a combination of car seat facing with harness straps. This is done until they reach the weight and height of the vehicle seat which allows them to use a regular safety belt. In return, mostly a combination car seat has a weight limit facing forward (with a rope harness) up to 29-36 pounds of body weight.

Then the children of older age can be moved using a booster seat positioning strap (extra foam seat) until they reach the limits of size and weight belt safety belt use. To be able to use seat belts, children must mature enough to be reaching the limits to function properly protected. Generally, a new regular seat belt can be worn after the children reach a height of over 144 cm or aged 8-12 years.

Remember, your child may not be ready to use a shoulder belt till it feels right and not on the neck strap. Similarly, belt positioned right on the hips, not the stomach. Be sure to read the instruction manual for the manufacture of chairs and make sure to install an extra seat in the car properly.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Why Children Nail Biting, Hair twist or thumb sucking?

The Cause of Kid Biting Their Nails
Why Children Biting Their Nail

The behavior of childrens are always interesting, sometimes they act funny and strange, sometimes disturbing behavior. Childrens do not understands that what they actually do are considered unusual. The following are discussion about four bad habits that childrens often complained of parents. Among them, nail biting, thumb sucking, hair twist and picking nose.

Understand The Habits
Stay calm despite knows, the child has a bad habit of annoying. In many cases, the habit is just a normal phase of development.
The habit is itself one or two repetitive patterns of behavior and the person who does it is usually unaware. Children are also not aware of having made ​​a habit that kind of disturbing.
When you suddenly find a happy toddler sucking thumb and twist the hair should not be surprised. Habits tend to appear in certain age groups.
Nail Biting
If the habit of nail biting child is the central question that is familiar to you, remember, you are not alone. One of the bad habits of childhood are biting their nails and picking their nose.
One study estimated that 30% to 60% of children and adolescents chew one or more nails hand. And generally, the thumbnail has been subjected to this habit.
Boys and girls, has equal opportunities to do this habit in their children's age infants. Although, as they age, boys tend to still have the habit of nail biting.

Hair Twist
Do you have a girl who loves to bend or curl the hair? Yes, the habits of the child as twisting, stroking, or pulling hair usually occurs in girls. Twist the hair can start to occur in early childhood and can develop into a habit of pulling hair although not having problems of hair loss. However, most of these children stop twist or pull the hair as an adult. For those who still have this habit, there is always a way to fix it. Offer a simple modification of behavior that can forget the usual. In addition to being a bad habit, pull or twist the hair on the child or adolescent may be a sign they are experiencing anxiety, depression or OCD (obsessive-compulsive dissorder) that would be more difficult to heal.

Digging Nose
Digging nose is a bad habit that can be started from childhood to adulthood. A 1995 study found that while 91% of adults have a habit of picking his nose and eating dirt about 8% after pulling his nose.

Thumb Sucking
Popularity thumb ro be sucked is rather than the index, it is possible that the thumb has a better taste than the other fingers. However, this preference to choose thumb is accidentally, resulting memories of the first oral contact with the thumb mouth since she was a baby. Most releases of thumb are small children.

Some children suck on fingers, hands or even whole fist in more inch. In fact, a quarter to half of children aged 2 to 4 years are sucking their thumb. And, most of them suck their thumbs to soothe and comfort themself. But the intensity or frequency of thumb sucking in children aged 4 to 5 years can cause problems, including dental problems (overbite), infection of the thumb or fingers, has also become a social problem because friends often teased them.

The Cause
Why children are often considered the finger as the part of their mouth and why they often twisting hair. Many experts admit they are often not sure what the exact cause of these behaviors. But it could be that it is a learned habit and give him more children .
Habits can develop more potential in children that could be boredom or it could be how children cope with anxiety. The next time you see a child bitting their nails or hair twisting (also pulling their own hairs ), it could be because there are experiences that make it stressful.

On the other hand , some children often consider these behaviors as a means of relaxation . Usually find the atmosphere before bed . But some habits can be a habit inherited since the baby . For infants, thumb sucking is a way to find comfort that we found similar to breastfed pleasure to make it complete . Thus, it can survive in the future as there are positive associations are embedded in their minds.

It could be the way the nail biting habit is obtained from your reflection. As parent, do you often bite your nails? Research shows if you have a hook or nail biter genetic component family.
Some children may also develop the bad habit of attracting adult attention or trying to manipulate their parents. If children are often overlooked, they will do bad habits that they know will cause reactions father and mother. Good news, most of these bad habits disappear on their own, usually when the child reaches school age. Most already understand this habit no longer need to give them comfort or attention. But if bad habits are not lost when they grow and exceed the age of the school, try to consult a psychologist to help behavioral therapy.

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